your perfect chaos is a perfect fit

Today is a post of odds and ends, wee tales of empowerment, quirkiness, and adorableness. Also, food.
A Tale In Which Our Heroine Gets A Sign From the Universe. Literally.
On the way to the store a few weeks ago, there was a handmade sign stapled to a lightpole saying "Go Brittney Go!" An unexpected exhortation to hurry, hurry to the store? Words of encouragement for braving the hordes in the produce section when I got there?
No, just a remnant from the Portland Marathon a few days before (the route brings participants across the bridge and down Willamette, which is the street I was on), one of many homemade signs of cheer and support along the route. This one was on neon pink posterboard and featured stars and glitter.
A little further on, another sign: "Brittney You Go Girl!" I grinned and said to myself, "Yes, Brittney, you go girl!" And then after that, "YOU ROCK BRITTNEY GO GO GO!" I nodded and pumped my fist a little, "Yes, Brittney, you do rock! Go, go, go!"
It was the most empowering trip to the grocery store I've ever had.
A Tale of What Makes This City Uniquely Fabulous
On the way home from that same trip to the store, I saw what would've been the most awesome thing that day, if I hadn't already taken the grocery store errand of champions just before.
In the bike lane on the opposite side of the street, a cyclist caught my attention from a few blocks away, which is saying something, since cyclists are ubiquitous in this city of that's a haven for bike lovers. It wasn't that he was an older man, nor that he was riding an older-style bike that forced him to sit more upright, nor even that he was wearing jeans and a flannel shirt instead of sporting the hipster-biker and/or Serious Biking Enthusiast gear that's more common. No, it wasn't any of those things, because you get used to seeing all types when bikes make up as much traffic as cars do.
What caught my eye was the white fur stole wrapped around the man's neck and shoulders. I kept staring as I got closer, trying to puzzle out this unusual fashion choice. Was it for warmth? It was a gorgeous 70 degree autumn day, so that seemed unlikely. And fur-anything is a rare sight here, the headquarters of Liberal and Vegan and Environmentally And Socially Conscious.
It wasn't until I passed him that I finally realized that it wasn't a fur at all.
It was his beard.
Parted in the middle and thrown over each shoulder.
I wish every trip to the grocery store was that awesome.
A Tale of What's Red and Black and Adorable All Over
Sister reported the following conversation between her and the Fabulous Miss M regarding favorite colors:
Miss M: And Aunt Bitty's favorite color is purple, like me!
Sister: Yes, and yellow.
Miss M: Mommy, what's Uncle Sal's favorite color?
Sister: I think he likes black. And red.
(I was impressed that she remembered that, by the way.)
Miss M: Uncle Sal is a Ladybug Man!
(And now you know why we spoil her rotten. When you're that adorable, it's a requirement.)
A Tale of Bento Catch Up
But not bento ketchup. Although that would be rad.
Super behind on posting bento pics, but there were too many good ones not to feature them here, and also, NEW BENTO BOX WOOT WOOT! In my search for non-plastic boxes, I've finally added a glasslock box called a Wean Green, which is a pyrex type of glass with a locking plastic sealed lid. This one is square and holds 490 mL, so it's a good in-between size with a nice depth. (For the locals: New Seasons sells them alongside the Lunchbots.)
10/15/12 lunch -- Ms. Bento
- chicken noodle soup made by Chef Sal
- carrot sticks
- green beans
- Cox's Orange Pippin apple with cashews as gap fillers
- chocolate pudding
10/16/12 breakfast -- pink WeanGreen
- molded egg
- cashews
- Honeycrisp apple
- cheese cubes
10/16/12 lunch -- bento colors purple
- King David apple with cashews as gap fillers
- chicken teriyaki meatballs
- steamed broccoli
- carrot sticks with honey peanut butter for dipping
10/18/12 lunch -- pink Natural Lunch
- chicken teriyaki meatballs
- steamed carrots, broccoli, and cauliflower
- molded egg half
- Anjou pear
10/22/12 lunch -- french bistro
- crab
- peas and carrots
- King David apple with cashews as gap fillers
title from "Get On the Road" by Tired Pony