little internet gifts for you. you're welcome

Okay, time to do a link dump so I can clear off some tabs in my browser. This is just a miscellany...a miscellany of AWESOME, that is!
Dalton Ghetti pencil lead carvings (with more here) -- Carvings out of pencil leads. Pencil leads. is that not the most awesome thing you ever saw?? I'd pick a favorite, but they're all amazing. The screw, the itty bitty hammer, the hand holding a goblet, the little key on the ring??? I, how do you even...? You guys! There's a guy carving wee sculptures from used pencil stubs! That is proof of amazingness and wonder in this world!
James Hance, "Relentlessly Cheerful Art" -- Adorable, sweet, and hilarious art that makes my nerdy, geeky little heart go pitter pat. I'm particularly fond of the Star Wars/Winnie-the-Pooh crossovers, and if anyone wanted to buy me, like, all of them, I wouldn't say no.
Slacktivist, "Fortune Cookies" -- What fortunes in fortune cookies should say. The fourth from the last is my favorite. Oh, who am I kidding? I love them all.
- sourdough bread slices
- Niman Ranch ham and herb roasted turkey on the skewer, pepperoni slices underneath, cheeses tucked around: mahon, gouda, Cotswold, smoked mozzarella
- carrots
- Gala apple slices
- nectarine
Looking very monochromatic and orange-y today...better than gray, I suppose.
Reader Comments (2)
I LOVE Hance's "The Force Fall Fashions". Brilliant.
That was one of my favorites, too. I love the Star Wars travel ads, too. But I especially love "The Gentle Sith". OMG that one had me rolling. And how hilariously awesome would it be to have the three Stormtrooper ones on an office wall? You could never have a bad day at work with those.