back to work

The sucky thing about vacation is the part where it's over and you have to go back to being all responsible and stuff. That part blows.
I was actually back to work yesterday, but it was a work-from-home day, so no bento. It seems rather strange to have gone two weeks without making one (I didn't really, but more about that soon in another post). Plus, it's hot, which means I don't have a lot of energy for either making dinner/lunch or for eating, so I'm keeping it simple.
Breakfast, pink strawberry sidecar:
- homemade blueberry muffins (yes, made with fresh berries! that I made!)
- cherries
- red oak lettuce
- "sneak preview" carrots from this week's share (as in: not quite ready yet, but they pulled a few to get us excited for the carrots in the upcoming weeks)
- broccoli -- can you tell it's my favorite veggie?
- sugar snaps
- molded egg
- sweet vinaigrette underneath the broccoli to make it all kind of a salad thing (see? the heat makes me even lazier than usual!)
Everything in this box except for the vinaigrette is from this week's share.
Lunch/snack, cute animals sidecar:
- cherries
- raspberries
- strawberries (sadly, not Oregon!strawberries)
- blueberries
Everything in this box is from this week's organics bin. If you're thinking to yourself, "Wow, that's a lot of produce", YES THAT IS A LOT OF PRODUCE YOU SHOULD COME VISIT SO WE CAN PAWN IT OFF ON YOU.
And in the Portland Is Eternally Awesome Department, Reason #65,172:
Portland Officially has the Greatest Hold Music in the World
Reader Comments (2)
I'm sorry about the going back to work. It's never my favorite thing either.
Your CSA box must have been amazing this week. Personally I can't abide broccoli, so I'm afraid I can't join you in the broccoli glee, but I'm pretty fond of most other veggies, and the fruit, of course, goes without saying.
And isn't Sam's music initiative thing cool? Plus that commercial. OMG. I love it. I need to figure out how to put myself on hold at work.
It was pretty great this week, it's true. We've been drowning in leafy greens, all of which have been wonderful, but 4 heads of lettuce a week is a lot of salad! And that doesn't count the pound of mixed greens or bunches of kale, chard, etc. But with the cool spring weather and wet June, they just had a ton of that kind of thing. We still had 4 heads of different lettuces this week (red oak leaf, red butter, and romaine) -- although when I say "head", they're not as full of heads as you might expect in a grocery store (thank god!) -- but we're starting to get into the other veggies. The kind of stuff that's perfect for bento.... ;)
Hee, put yourself on hold at work. :) Our office phones have a feature that allows us to play the radio station that's used for the hold music over speakerphone as a sort of radio. It's a station I don't care for so I don't listen to it, but man, if we had the city music initiative thing? I would be ALL over that!