more like daylight suckage time

I'm normally not a strong Daylight-Savings-Time hater, but in the days immediately following the spring switch, I can understand why others are. Yesterday was all out of whack; today isn't quite as bad, but combined with a tight schedule, I think it's going to take me longer than usual to adjust.
Sister, Guy, and the Fabulous Miss M were here for the weekend, so that actually did make it a nice weekend despite the time change. While they were at the Shamrock Run yesterday morning, we played with Miss M, then per our now annual tradition after such things, they returned bearing treats. Specifically, a box of Voodoo Doughnuts. Hence the appearance of a few odds and ends in today's lunch. Then they left with an extremely sugared up and overly exhausted 3 year-old, and I'll admit, I prayed for their sanity. I haven't heard anything on the news about them being committed for psychological observation so I'm assuming everyone survived the remainder of the day.
After they left, we hit Rejuvenation to pick out hinges and handles for the new cabinet doors we're having done for the display shelves in the kitchen. I haven't talked about that much yet, but it's part of the project to get the attic eave closet doors done; the contractor we chose didn't charge much extra for these three cabinet doors, so we figured it was a good time to scratch that little side project of our list, as well. Afterward, we stopped at Miller Paint to pick out a pretty color -- the doors will have glass inserts and we're going to paint the shelves and interior to reallly make it spark. But you'll have to wait to learn more about the color, because you know how I am about the big reveals....
- wee potatoes with cheddar heart
- teriyaki chicken meatballs
- steamed broccoli
- Fuji apple half with heirloom carrot sticks
- a few random bits of Voodoo doughnuts: buttermilk bar, powdered sugar doughnut, peanut doughnut leftover from yesterday
- ham, barrel pickle, and cream cheese in a sundried tomato wrap
- heirloom carrots
- Fuji apple half
Reader Comments (2)
I can't wait to see the cabinet treatment. Love the idea of glass fronts and colored interiors!
I'm a HUGE DST hater--my adaptability gets worse as I get older. But somehow this one didn't seem quite as bad to me as usual. Go figure. I think it's 'cause I'm just in a better mood all around.
The doors are officially on! Of course, now we have to actually paint everything, including the doors themselves. Which probably means they'll be half-finished for months (urg, I hope not!), knowing how these things go with us. And we still have to get some glass installed in them. But still! Doors!
I knew you were a DST hater. (hee!) I know several people who are, actually, and I'm always kind of surprised by the vitriol it inspires. It's never really bugged me, so it was a surprise to find out how strongly some people feel about it (usually negatively).