bento catch up

Dad and Mo were here this weekend for a visit on their way to the coast, so it was nice to see them for a bit. We had simply stunning weather while they were here, though it's been freakishly humid. But beautiful and warm so we can't complain, really.
I did pack a bento for yesterday but ended up staying home, so it became a sick-day-work-from-home bento instead of an office bento. So we have two days' of bentos here:
Monday lunch, blue bunny & moons box:
- carrot sticks and flowers, lemon drop and cherry tomatoes
- basil chicken sausage and Dubliner cheese (under the carrot flowers)
- Gala apple slices
- Reliance grapes
- macadamia nuts
Tuesday lunch, black strawberry box:
- green beans & caramelized onions (underneath)
- smoked sausages
- mashed potatoes
- Reliance grapes
- cheddar bunny crackers
- cashews
Even though we got our fruit bin delivery last week, we've already devoured it -- only some grapes left! So I'm a little low on fruit to add, and of course didn't think of the twenty billion pounds of fresh-picked blueberries and blackberries in our freezer. D'oh! Actually, I should make some pie....
Reader Comments (2)
Your bentos are getting more and more arty and lovely and design-y. Good for you!
Oh, you are so sweet. I was just thinking that I haven't been very creative with my lunches of late, certainly not in their presentation. Not bored or anything, just haven't had time. Having a good lunch is obviously my most immediate goal, so other considerations get chucked when I have to choose between, say, artistry and being able to get something packed at all.
But as I look through the bento madness picture gallery, I can definitely see where I've made improvements from when bento 2.0, baby! began.