reports of my demise are only slightly exaggerated

I hadn't intended to be away so long, but then Hall House was collectively bombed with the ebola virus and both Sal and I have been occupied with, you know, not expiring from collapsed lungs or whatever. I haven't had any appetite while I've been sick, so no bentos, either, and thanks to the ebola eating my brain, I'm a little fuzzy on what exactly has transpired in the last few weeks so I don't even have a lot to report that doesn't involve phlegm, Nyquil, and chicken soup. (Except to say that before he succumbed to the Virus From Hell, Sal did make me the most absolutely astoundingly awesome and incredible chicken soup I have ever ever ever eaten ever in the history of the universe. So there's that.)
I did have a lovely birthday at home with family the weekend before last and spent last weekend on a self-imposed writing retreat, so there's been some fun mixed in. And despite still feeling far less than 100%, Sal managed to make a few stops along the Zwickelmania tour, proving that not even pending death will keep him away from good beer.
- spicy meatsa balls
- steamed broccoli
- peas and carrots
- Murcott tangerine
- raw pumpkin seeds
Also, this was my lunch from 2/2/12, but I had trouble getting the picture to load that day and then got sick, so here you go:
- smoked sausages
- boiled egg
- roasted root veggies (chiogga beets and parsnips with caramelized onions and garlic)
- steamed broccoli
- Anjou pear
- sunflower seeds

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