all this time in her city, and I'm finally going to meet her

I'm headed to an SFWA event tonight which will include Ursula K. LeGuin speaking about writing, books, genre literature, and, I imagine, whatever else she darn well pleases. As the kids say today, I am excite!
I read The Earthsea Trilogy when I was, like, ten, and if I could locate the boxed set I had (stole borrowed inherited from my dad), I'd take it with me to be signed. Sadly, I suspect that it was lost in a move at some point. But I can still picture that set, and still remember discovering it on a weekend when I was looking for something new to read and browsing his bookcase. I came to a lot of books that way, now that I think about it....
breakfast, cute animals sidecar:
- oatmeal
- smidge of butter
- maple syrup
- raisins
- half sandwich -- pepper roasted turkey with mustard on sourdough
- string cheese pieces as gap fillers
- lettuce for the sandwich lining the box
- Braeburn apple half
- celery sticks and carrot pieces
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