a charm from the sky seems to hallow us there

Today and yesterday are big anniversaries in our lives. Today marks 21 years since Sal and I first started dating, which...is still boggling to me every time I think about it. How is that even possible? Holy crap. We've been together for well over half our lives. Incomprehensible! It's like trying to wrap your head around the concept of super massive black holes or chaos theory or why Justin Bieber is popular.
And yesterday marked our 9 year house-iversary! Happy House-iversary, Hall House! How far you've come and how much you've changed. You were in need of more help than we initially realized, but you've been a bigger reward than we ever could've imagined. (Except for that whole water line incident. Let's not do that again, kay?) Thank you for being a castle and a sanctuary and a house of dreams.
breakfast, bento color mini green:
- mini frittatas -- mushroom, onion, spinach
- mini blueberry pancakes
- raspberries
- 4-color raddiatore (tomato, carrot, spinach, regular) tossed with a bit of oil, herbs, and salt
- asparagus sauteed with mushrooms and caramelized onions
- red garnet yam patties*
- pepperoni -- the last from our visit to Dick's Brewing
- corn
- raspberries
*This is a new invention. Although someone probably thought of it long before I did. So new to me, I guess. Anyway, I had some leftover roasted yams from last week so I mashed them up and mixed them with a little maple syrup, them put them in a lightly oiled pan (to keep them from sticking) on high heat. The result? To die for.
title taken from John Howard Payne's "Home, Sweet Home"
Reader Comments (2)
Happy Anniversaries!!! And with it comes the gift of liquid sunshine yet still cool. Its beautiful out there!!! What a milestone for the happy couple. Makes me believe true love DOES exist! Amazing....
Thank you! We're kind of gobsmacked ourselves, though of course incredibly grateful, as well....