bacon pickles?! where have you been all my life?

Yes, bacon pickles. There's a guy at the downtown farmers' market who sells many varieties of pickles and pickled items. One of which includes bacon pickles. As in dill pickles in a bacon-flavored brine. And they are are exactly as delicious and fan-freaking-tastic as you might imagine. And when you have emptied the jar of the pickles, you can put other delicious things in the jar so that they, too, can absorb the bacon-y deliciousness. Proving the immutable Law of Bacon, which is that there are few edible things that bacon does not automatically make better*.
- maple smoked cheddar slices
- molded egg
- smoked sausages
- bacon pickles
- Starkcrimson pear slices
- mini blueberry pancakes (made by Sally)
- dark chocolate covered raisins
*Yes, I've tried the Vosages chocolate bar with bacon bits. It was...interesting. Not terrible, but not something I'd eat more than a few bites of. Voodoo's bacon maple bar, on the other hand...

Reader Comments (2)
LOL! Bacon pickles. I was thinking pickled bacon, and having a bit of a time getting anywhere near "delicious". But I think I can kind of see baconated cucumber pickles.
I can also imagine the Voodoo Doughnuts maple bacon donut as being yum. There are moments when I really do miss eating wheat.
Hee...baconated. They are incredible delicious and seductive. Also rich, which means you can only eat three or four at a go. A good thing, probably, because I can't imagine downing a whole jar of bacon pickles could possible be a good thing for a person's health. ;)
Yeah, the maple bacon bar at Voodoo is pretty too die for. I'm not even a fan per se of maple bars. I mean, I like them okay, but I don't order them and they aren't my first choice in the box. But add that strip of crispy bacon on top? Magic.