lunch lady, lunch lady, make me a lunch

(Imagine the title sung to "Matchmaker, Matchmaker" from "Fiddler on the Roof", and you will see that I am, in fact, both brilliant and hilarious. Just sayin'.)
- PB&J cutouts (peanut butter and marionberry jam on Sal's homemade ciabatta) with cherry tomatoes, green and royal burgundy beans, and itsy bitsy carrots as gap fillers -- the cutouts are supposed to be a heart, butterfly, flower, and tulip, but they didn't come out as well with the ciabatta as they do with the nine-grain bread)
- molded egg, carrots, royal burgundy beans as gap fillers, and cucumber hearts for a little garnish
- donut peach (cut in half for easier eating) with a cucumber heart for garnish (and more cucumber slices underneath the peach)
- ginormous marionberries and some dip for the veggies in the little condiment container
No lunch Monday because I was sick, no lunch Tuesday because of a working lunch thing, and of course no lunches Wednesdays (and Fridays) because of my work-from-home days. So only today's this week, and yet I stared at my empty fridge and cupboards in desperation last night, wondering petulantly why I don't have a personal chef.
Oh right, I do! Except, yanno, he works at night AND he has this annoying habit of making just what's needed for a meal so there aren't many leftovers from the weekends when he cooks. I know, right? How inconsiderate of him to be all efficient and stuff.
And of course I don't cook as much as I should on the weeknights, especially in the summer, and so I get the lunches I've been having. Which are good, don't get me wrong, and certainly better than eating out, but they look like they were made by someone with no access to modern appliances and no ability to make something more complicated than toast. I'm no chef, it's true, but I am a decent cook, though you certainly wouldn't know it from my lunches. Sigh.
So I'm on a mission! To make actual entrees for dinner at night so I have leftovers the next day. Of course, I'm resolving to do this at the start of what's forecast to be a week-long heatwave, so perhaps I'll wuss out and wait until that passes. But I am going to have something for lunch that necessitates eating utensils sometime soon.

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