one of the few times a salad is better than chocolate

In the time since bento 2.0 baby! began, I've had some lunches that, I'm a tad embarrassed to admit, I couldn't wait to go to work for in order to eat them. And today is one of those lunches. Because I have to tell you, I was all atwitter about it when I went to bed last night, and have been looking forward to it all morning. YES ALRIGHT I AM A DORK IT'S NOT LIKE THAT'S ANY KIND OF SECRET DON'T JUDGE ME OKAY.
It was that glorious head of green leaf lettuce in the bin Monday that got me thinking about how to make the best use of it. And with the other veggies and stuff we had on hand, I decided a chef salad was in order. It's one of my favorite meals in the summer, and when I was a kid, was a special treat when it got hot outside.
Ever since then, chef salads are one of my comfort foods and I usually don't vary it from those salads of yore for that reason. With the exception of green leaf lettuce in place of iceberg, today's lunch includes everything we would've had on our chef salads in those days, right down to the Thousand Island dressing. We don't even buy dressing anymore, but I had to buy a small bottle for this meal because it's just not a chef salad without Thousand Island.
- green leaf lettuce with julienned carrots and cucumbers cut into pieces
- black forest ham and oven-roasted turkey, cut into pieces; silicone cup has hard-boiled egg pieces and crammed into the small space next to it is shredded co-jack cheese
- mushrooms, radishes, and peas, with tomato in the silicone cup
- Thousand Island dressing in the container with the red lid

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