Bento as sanity-saver

Oh Universe, why must you give me weeks like these? Work craziness (more than usual), and on top of that, website clients (wrapped up last night), preparations for this month's Second Saturday, preparations for guests staying this weekend, bills and reconciling to be done, other website work to do (more about that soon, hopefully), and the house is a flippin' disaster. I need a personal assistant who's willing to be paid in good food and keep me from jumping off the proverbial ledge. Know anyone who'd be interested? Send them my way.
Nonetheless, I stayed strong and made my lunch for today. Considering the day I was/am facing today, that is no small accomplishment right there. But this is where the rubber meets the road, or whatever koan works for you, and though it meant going to bed that much later and being that much more worn out when I dropped into bed, I did so with a certain satisfaction that's become invaluable, and boy oh boy am I thanking Nighttime Me for taking such good care of Daytime Me.
- top tier: star-shaped egg and smoked sausages* on one side, fresh mozzarella and tomato slices on the other side, with steamed broccoli as gap fillers throughout;
- bottom tier: pineapple and raspberries on one side, Golden Blush apple slices on the other side with a few strips of carrot to fill the end gap
* I found these great little sausages at New Seasons -- organic; vegetarian-fed; cruelty-free; no hormones; casein, gluten, and nitrite free. Now if they were just calorie-free I'd be set....
One of the things I just love about these new two-tier boxes is that they each fit inside themselves to take up as little room as possible for storage. This one is particularly clever in how it goes together to collapse down, and it's kind of like putting together a puzzle box. I get as much satisfaction from breaking these sets down and putting them away as I do packing them and eating from them.

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