sick day bento

I'm not going to have a lot of time to eat today, hence the slimline with no small box or sidecar. But if I play my cards right, I may actually get home before 8 PM! So...yay?
ETA: Nope, sick today. (And if you're confused about the above in relation to this -- I write up these posts the night before, then add the pics and update if necessary; I'd never have time to write these up from scratch at work.)
I had a bit of a throat tickle late last night, and within an hour, a sore throat, aches, and congestion. Woke up this morning and knew I wasn't going to have the energy for work today, but I had a meeting that I absolutely could not miss this morning. So I got up a little later than usual, threw on jeans and brushed my hair, then headed down there to gather up my folders and then head into the meeting. Came home afterward and I'm headed to bed right now, but figured I should still post today's lunch. Not hungry right now but it'll be nice to have something already made up and ready to go when I'm hungry later.
- top tier: asparagus sauteed in a bit of olive oil with salt and pepper, carrot sticks, dried cherries, and dark chocolate raisins (since that's what I dumped over in yesterday's lunch and never got to actually enjoy them)
- bottom tier: 4-flavor radiatore pasta (beet, spinach, carrot, regular) with carrots and peas; smoked sausages
Taken with my new camera! On a "cuisine" setting, though it was low-light and had to use the flash instead of natural light, so I don't know if that setting really did anything. Anything looks better than a pic from a cameraphone, though....
Low on fruit in the house -- pineapple and raspberries and grapes gone, there wasn't really any room in the box for enough pear to make it worth cutting them up, and the last two Marcott tangerines and the last Sierra Gold tangerine were all moldy on the bottom. That's one thing about buying fresh and organic, is that you pretty much need to eat your produce right away or into the compost it goes. I hate waste, especially wasted food, so that's always kind of a bummer to have to pitch something that was perfectly fine a day or two before. Incentive to eat the fruit and veggies on hand before defaulting to other (less healthy) things, I suppose.

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