Random Friday

A random bunch of links, two of which I'm stealing from my writing blog because they're too awesome not to spread far and wide. And then more stuff. Because I'm cool like that.
- April Henry posted earlier this week about a really fun and fascinating project called The Novel Live! in which 36 NW authors take turns writing an entire novel in six days, a kind of marathon-relay-writing adventure. It's wrapping up tomorrow, but you can still catch the live stream of the project in action. Like, actually watch the writer in action AND simultaneously see the words s/he is writing appear on the screen AND chat with the writer to offer suggestions, comments, etc. (LIVING IN THE FUTURE OMG STILL THE BESTEST). This has to be one of the cleverest things I've seen in awhile, and it's a fundraiser for a good cause, as well.
- The God of Cake, from one of my favorite blogs, Hyperbole and a Half. Just...go, click and read it. I promise, you will love me for making you.
- This updated map of online communities from xkcd, which has been sitting in my saved tabs for like, a week or however long it's been since he posted it. I spent a good 30 minutes poring over it at full size, giggling at all the in jokes. In other news, I spend WAY too much time on Teh Internets. It's also edifying (and kind of depressing) to compare it with the first one from 2007. lol, MySpace.
- From @katrinawheeler via Twitter, a nice little article about local/regional non-foodie restaurants and chains that are actually pretty good. (They don't mention Burgerville, I'm assuming because it's a given.) Some of these were a surprise that they're Oregon-based, as well as how many of them make their food on-site using fresh ingredients. Also a surprise: the connection between The Old Spaghetti Factory and a couple of the hottest restaurants in town. (Sal worked at Fenouil before he started teaching at OCI, btw.) And who knew Shari's was a leader in regional sourcing??
random friday in

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