Back to work

Just kind of threw things together since we got home late and I didn't have a lot of energy after unpacking and whatnot. Thank goodness we came home to a clean house! I love that, and we usually try to leave the house all nice and tidy when we leave, but aren't always able to. I'm so glad we were this time, though.
Breakfast, using my new 320 mL box:
- Greek yogurt in one of my new silicone cups
- a few mandarin segments (sadly, not the kishus, which met their end -- deliciously -- in Seattle)
- the ubiquitous Sauvie Island blueberries (for the yogurt)
- one of my new little spoons -- the handle has a turtle on it :)
- see my pretty purple napkin napkin/furoshiki in the background?
- the last of the crockpot chicken soup sauce thing from the week before last
- cut pieces of whole wheat naan, the last bit of Cotswold cheese, and a few straggler baby carrots that were lurking in the crisper
- first half: two of the little blueberry mini muffins I made last week with a few sesame sticks as gap fillers; second half: more mandarin segments
- background: my new pretty green drink bottle!
Not very pretty compared to some previous lunches, but still very welcome on a day when I really needed it -- in the midst of dealing with having our webhost account hacked by some miscreants in Romania, our entire server, network, and phone system went down thanks to the electricians in the office next to ours accidentally shutting off our circuit. (Yeah, I don't even.) Oy vey, this day is not my best day ever.
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