Deeper still

Well, I lied. Decided to come into the office again today -- I suppose one more day not working on the Big Project O'Doom isn't going to make or break anything, though I'm freaked out about losing another day of progress. But my (electronic) piles on my desk aren't getting any shorter, either, so...into the office it is.
I have an eensy confession to make, btw. Well, I think my bento thing is morphing into...A Thing. Like an addiction, maybe? I don't know. Because I now have in my possession a dozen wee cookie/veggie/cheese/whatever cutters of the most darlingest little shapes. And also! A half dozen slightly bigger wee animal-shaped cutters. Send help, you guys. I think I'm in trouble....
- Havarti dill and Cotswold cheeses cut into cute little animal shapes, on top of a bed of a few leftover basil chicken sausage slices (on top of a bed of the odds and ends from the cheese shapes) and Applegate Farms pepperoni slices
- the most adorable teensy Pinova apple from our organics bin, cut in half, on top of a layer of baby carrots, with sweet little carrot shapes for decoration (and snacking, of course!)
- Milton water crackers (I love Milton because they salt their water crackers very slightly, and it adds just enough to whatever you're eating with them)
- Fairchild tangerine with some terrifically delicious raisins from our bin delivery yesterday as gap filler
- orange juice in the drink bottle
My resolve not to get sucked into a bunch of bento gear is weakening. It was getting those two bento systems, dammit! Then it was, "oh, here's that cookie cutter thingie from my childhood, won't that make cute cheese stars to brighten things up?" and "oh, here are a few more flickr blogs to add to my list, what harm can it do to check those daily from time to time?" Next thing you know, it'll be egg molds, food picks, and colorful silicone cups in fun shapes. And then...more bento boxes! Heaven help us all.

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