This is a "Cleaning Out The Fridge" lunch if there ever was one. Well and also, I wanted something hot and comfort food-y because it was supposed to be raining all day and I wanted to take it with me to my little secret park. I went there yesterday for lunch for the first time in forever (with the big work project, I hadn't been leaving the office at lunchtime because I was only in the office one day a week as it was). Which was one of my main reasons for wanting the Ms. Bento -- being able to take a hot lunch to the park without first having to stop by the office kitchen, unpack everything, heat up whatever, and then repack it all and go to the park.
I'm pleased to report that my plan worked really well, the Ms. Bento did great for exactly what I wanted, and as you can see from the pics taken on the passenger seat of my car, I was able to retreat to my little hideaway with my lunch and a book.