Meetings all morning, and one right before lunch that ran 2 hours instead of half an hour, so I'm eating late today. But at least I'm eating, right?
Bento Note To Myself Today: "Hope has two children: Anger and Courage. Anger at the way things are and courage to make them better." ~ St. Augustine
I tried using a piece of paper to provide a bit of shade, since I always get so much glare off the light-colored items from the overhead fluorescents, and I'm using my camera phone, so the quality's no great shakes. Hence the shadow across the food. The foil baking cup that the macadamia nuts are in is my first "disposable" item in my bento, which I really didn't want to do. But I'm still searching for the right size containers and/or silicone cups I want and I figured since it's a foil cup with only nuts in it, I can reuse it for a bit.